How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?
Taking a pregnancy test can stir up a wide range of emotions, from anxiety to fear. The uncertainty of the result can make this moment feel overwhelming. It’s important to approach the situation with patience and give yourself time to process whatever the outcome may be.
Let’s take a closer look at how pregnancy tests work to help put your mind at ease. For no-cost pregnancy testing, reach out to HeartReach Center and receive reliable results.
Understanding Pregnancy Tests
Pregnancy tests detect the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), produced after a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. This hormone can be found in both blood and urine.
Most over-the-counter kits test urine and can provide accurate results when used correctly.
Blood tests, available through medical professionals and labs, offer even more precision and are typically used later in pregnancy or during potential issues to monitor hCG levels. But they are more expensive, and the results take longer.
Accuracy and Timing of Testing
Many home pregnancy tests claim to be 99% accurate when used after a missed period. Some tests claim they can provide an earlier result. However, the accuracy can vary. For the most reliable result, take a test the day after your missed period.
While home tests are a good starting point, they aren’t always foolproof. For a more definitive answer, it’s beneficial to follow up with testing from a center like ours. With the help of our client advocates, these tests ensure that you receive accurate results and any necessary support for your next steps.
No-Cost Pregnancy Testing
At HeartReach Center, we offer no-cost pregnancy testing. If your test is positive, we can provide a limited obstetrical ultrasound to give you critical details about your pregnancy.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward understanding your pregnancy.
*We do not refer for or perform abortions.
**All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.
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