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pregnant woman considering an online abortion

Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

An online abortion (or what is known as an at-home abortion) is the process of buying the drugs for a medical abortion over the internet and taking them at home. 

It’s a process that bypasses a lot of necessary safeguards that you should be aware of before seeking an abortion through this route. 

If you’re unexpectedly pregnant and seeking an abortion, get the care you deserve first from HeartReach Center. We provide no-cost pregnancy services designed to help you feel supported and educated so you can make a pregnancy decision with confidence. 

Keep reading to learn more about the risks of an online abortion.

The Risks of Buying Online

Origins of the Drugs

The FDA advises against obtaining abortion drugs online. These drugs are not part of the regulated US supply chain and lack FDA approval, which means their source, quality, and effectiveness cannot be assured by the FDA.

Skipping Health Screenings

There are a variety of scenarios and circumstances where taking drugs for a medical abortion could put your health at risk. For instance, if you have an IUD in place, it’s not an option for you. 

Also, abortion drugs are only FDA-approved through ten weeks gestation. Taking them if you’re further along is not recommended and could cause severe complications. 

Lack of Follow-up Care

If you get the abortion drugs online, you may lack access to the necessary follow-up care. You may also not know what to look for if you run into signs and symptoms that require serious medical attention. 

Safeguard Your Health

You can safeguard your health and wellness by getting the necessary information about abortion and your pregnancy beforehand.

An ultrasound is essential to get you this information. It can determine the gestational age (how many weeks you have been pregnant), verify if the pregnancy is correctly located in the uterus, assess if it is viable with a detectable heartbeat, or confirm if a miscarriage has occurred.

At HeartReach Center, you can get a free ultrasound and other pregnancy services. Contact us today to make a confidential appointment. 

*We do not refer or perform abortions.

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